Subscription Fees for 2024/25 season

Club Membership Info

Please note: our membership year runs from 01 April to 31 March annually.

Cancellation of membership is possible up to 30 April, thereafter you are committed to the remainder of the membership year regardless of whether you are paying in full or by direct debit. In accordance with CIYMS policy, once you have committed to a membership category, this applies for the remainder of the subscription year. It may be possible to revise your category upwards via consultation with the CIYMS office, but you cannot downgrade to a lesser category of membership.

No joining fee is currently payable and in addition members of other CIYMS Sections pay a reduced annual subscription. 

Please contact the CIYMS Office or 02890 760120 for details, if this applies.

Taster membership:

To become a member for a month without committing to the rest of the membership year  (you can only do this once):

1. Pay £40 (adult) or £20 (full time student or junior) electronically to: CIYMS NUMBER 1 ACCOUNT sort code 95-01-21  A/C number 22781751, reference is taster and your name e.g. tasterjsmith
2.  Register with Acebook with your full contact details (see how below)
3.  Inform our membership secretary at .
4. Return completed application form either to or to Richard Barnes at CIYMS 91 Circular Road, Belfast BT4 2GD


This membership, of one month’s duration, is to allow those new to playing tennis at CIYMS the chance to try out our club and facilities.

The following rules apply to this category;

    • Taster members have the same booking and playing rights as an equivalent full member
    • Attendance at any of our club play sessions is permitted
    • Taster members are not allowed to play for a CIYMS League/Cup team
    • Entry to club tournaments is not permitted
    • Visitors are permitted with a taster member, as per visitor rules
    • Taster Members have no voting rights within the club

Full membership:

Allows full access to book courts, join teams, use the bar or clubhouse changing and showering facilities, or mix in during the three times weekly club play:

1. If applying on or after 01/10 a one off dome levy of £75 is required. This will be deducted from your full subscription for the next membership year should you decide to renew. Please forward this plus the appropriate pro-rata subscription electronically to: CIYMS NUMBER 1 ACCOUNT sort code 95-01-21  A/C number 22781751, reference is “tennis” plus your name e.g.tennisjsmith

2.  Register with Acebook with your full contact details (see how below),

3.  Inform our membership secretary at

4.  Return the completed application form by email to or by post to the office, CIYMS, 91 Circular Road, Belfast, BT4 2GD.

5. If you wish to pay by direct debit rather then paying the full subscription electronically, please return the completed direct debit form to the office letterbox or post to the office address (please note, banks will only accept a physical copy so this cannot be completed online or emailed)

Daytime membership:

The following rules apply to this category;

    • Daytime members can book and play on any court within the following period: Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
    • Attendance at Thursday Club Play is permitted
    • They are not allowed to play for a CIYMS League/Cup team
    • Entry to club tournaments is not permitted
    • Visitors are permitted with a daytime member during the following times: Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
    • Daytime members have full club voting rights

Classes only Pass: 

Annually to 31 March, £60 adult or £30 under 18 (not reduced for a part year).

For those who would like to join classes only. You are not considered a club member and as such will not be permitted to book courts, play on the courts outside of classes, enter club tournaments, play for league teams, use the bar or clubhouse facilities, or mix in during the three times weekly club play: 

1. Pay electronically to: “CIYMS NUMBER 3 ACCOUNT sort code 95-01-21  A/C number 62781794, reference is your name,
2.  Register with Acebook with your full contact details (see how below)
3.  Inform our membership secretary at

To register with Acebook