CIYMS Tennis Club | Membership

Get Involved, Sign Up Today!

How to join:

All new members must fully complete the CIYMS online registration form (click the link below) and return their Direct Debit mandate as soon as possible to activate their membership. 


Court Booking and Usage

Court Booking

When you join CIYMS tennis club, Chris Shiels in the CIYMS office will enter your details on the CIYMS tennis court on-line booking system which also serves as the tennis club’s membership database. You should then receive an email with your username and two links. The first is to the booking website, and the second is a link (which only lasts for 24 hours) to follow to set a password of your choice.

You are recommended to add the website to your favourites or bookmarks for easy future access. The booking system works equally well on any smartphones, tablets or computers. The link, if you lose it is

You can book courts 7 days and 2 hours in advance using this on-line court booking system.

On the booking site left hand side, you can see some links to follow which give information about booking rules, contacts, other club information and help.

Once logged in, you can go to “your profile” and set your communication preferences and update your details when required. If your contact details change, please also advise Chris Shiels on 028 90760120 or at

The committee member currently looking after the booking system is Alastair Timothy.  He welcomes any queries or feedback that you may have about how to use the system and the website which is new this year. Do email him at if you would like any help.

At times, some or all the courts will be used for activities such as League Matches, Tournaments, or Coaching. So, you’ll notice that certain courts have been pre-booked for this purpose.

Coaching Courts & Fair Usage Policy

The rules governing the use of the courts for coaching are available on the Acebook court booking site – click on the “bell” in the top right-hand corner.

We operate a Fair Usage Policy with some general rules:

    • Courts may only be booked by a Playing Member who intends to play on that court
    • A court should only be booked if you are confident that you will be able to play
    • Cancellations should be made as early as possible to give other members a reasonable chance of organising a game
    • Failure to cancel a booking is inconsiderate to other members and is deemed a  minor booking infringement
    • Members may only book a maximum period of 1.5 hours at any one time but may continue to play on, if a free court is available. Doubling up with your partner/s to book continuous slots to exceed this is NOT permitted
    • Members are only allowed to book six 30-minute slots in any 7-day period. Excess booking is a booking infringement
    • Courts may not be booked on another’s behalf
    • Please clear the courts promptly if others are waiting. Equally, please do not proceed to your court excessively early if others still have 5/10 minutes of play to go
    • A member cannot book a court in their own name to receive coaching. This is a deliberate booking infringement

For comments/suggestions on booking or if would like to report any abuse of our court booking system the committee can be contacted via

To ensure as many members as possible can enjoy the courts and to ensure our Fair Usage Policy is adhered to, we follow a club procedure for booking infringements.

If a court booking infringement occurs it will be addressed by the appropriate club official via written communication as follows:

    • The first minor infringement will result in the member being referred to the Fair Usage Policy as a booking infringement potentially prevents fellow members having the opportunity to enjoy a game of tennis
    • A second minor infringement will result in the member again being referred to the Fair Usage Policy but in addition a final warning will be issued indicating booking rights will be suspended if infringements continue
    • A third minor infringement will result in the suspension of booking rights for one month

At any time, a serious, deliberate infringement will equal three minor infringements and result in immediate suspension of booking rights for one month.

Persistent infringements or two serious deliberate infringements will result in a review by the court monitor(s) and membership secretary with options of suspension from the club.

Suspensions can be appealed, with final decisions taken by the CIYMS Tennis Club Committee.

Play With A Guest

Follow these steps on Acebook system

1. Log in and tap/click on your court and time in the normal way,

2. In the dropdown list at the top, instead of “Leisure”, select “Guest”,

3. In the “info” box you must type the names of all players including the guest, for contact tracing,

4. Select “Save” and you’ll be directed to the payment portal (£10 per adult visitor)



We actively encourage members to bring along visitors to play tennis at CIYMS.

The member must always accompany the visitor and be responsible for their behaviour.

The current visitor’s fees are as follows:

1st Visit: Complimentary 2nd & 3rd Visits: See below

Outdoor Courts: £10.00 per adult visitor

Indoor Courts (in the Dome, October to March): £10.00 per adult visitor

U18 visitors: £3 all year round

It is the member who books the court, that is deemed responsible as to the status of players and therefore ensuring that the appropriate visitor’s fee is paid, prior to playing. Payment should be made at the time of booking by the member. This can be paid online transfer to the CIYMS no 1 account, or via the office.

Visitors are only permitted to play 3 times in any one club year and this can include attendance at any of our club play sessions. Visitors are not allowed to attend club events nor enter club tournaments.

Any member who is found to have allowed a visitor to play without having paid the appropriate fee may have their court booking rights suspended or withdrawn altogether

Important Membership Contacts

Membership Queries

CIYMS office
91 Circular Road
028 9076 0120